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Early Flood Warning System Mounting Mast and Solar Panel
Mounting Mast and Solar Panel
Mounting Mast and Solar Panel
Mounting Mast and Solar Panel
Mounting Mast and Solar Panel

Mounting Mast and Solar Panel

Early warning systems are an important component of disaster risk management strategies. In contrast to flood forecasting systems, which assess flood risk, the main purpose of early warning systems is to issue warnings when a flood is occurring. It uses a radar Level sensor for water level measurement in River and Rainfall Sensor as a base input parameter. This system has capability to incorporate Radar Velocity Sensor (Optionally at extra cost) for discharge measurement using discharge data to executive remote alarm.

Early warning systems are an important component of disaster risk management strategies. In contrast to flood forecasting systems, which assess flood risk, the main purpose of early warning systems is to issue warnings when a flood is occurring. It uses a radar Level sensor for water level measurement in River and Rainfall Sensor as a base input parameter. This system has capability to incorporate Radar Velocity Sensor (Optionally at extra cost) for discharge measurement using discharge data to executive remote alarm.

Category Early Flood Warning System
Product Name Mounting Mast and Solar Panel
Item Number VH1001-01-01
Additional Information None
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